Saturday, February 27, 2010

Results that get noticed

Here is the ad that I designed for my Intro to Photoshop class.  I think my fellow classmates were slightly appalled.  But just look at the effective use of a vector mask!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lessons Learned

Who blogs in February anyway?  Between the all-night partying on Groundhog's Day and the always chaotic President's Day, who has the time?  I certainly don't.  It has been a crazy month...crazy year in fact...and I'm left feeling like I have been through everything, with the exception of a Nuclear Holocaust.  It's a good thing though because I have grown a lot and learned some very important lessons...

1.  Trust your gut.  If something feels wrong, it is.
2.  Don't underestimate the healing power of 2 bottles of Pinot Noir and the company of old friends.
3.  Don't underestimate the massive headache you'll get after 2 bottles of Pinot Noir.
4.  There needs to be a group on Facebook called, "I start public feuds on Facebook because I'm passive aggressive and don't know how to properly resolve conflict."  And yes G, a middle finger button would also be nice.
5.  My daughter, Julie is quite the jokester.*
6.  Magnificent Mile is actually a two-syllable word.
7.  My dad is the best Valentine's Day date.
8.  Even though Dominos has admitted that they've been feeding us bad pizza for 40 years, I don't care because it's awesome now.
9.  Photoshop is a fun way to make your brother's unibrow disappear.  Not to mention making all of his eyebrows disappear.
10.  Not only do blondes have more fun, bobs have more fun.  I should have cut my hair months ago.

* No, I don't really have a daughter.  You would think that someone with "psychic abilities" would know this.